The word "LeHo" Derived from the Taiwanese language, it translates to "Hello," symbolizing his art's profound intention to extend a warm welcome to all corners of the world. LeHo's art is a universal greeting, inviting individuals to explore the depths of human emotion and imagination.
Phantom Creature : Projection Of Traits
In LeHo's hands, those animals become the conduits of human sentiments. His creations carry the viewers on a journey through a realm of emotions, reminding them of their own greatness. LeHo views these animals as emissaries of our inner qualities, reflecting our innate potential to be extraordinary.
His artistic journey has transcended geographical boundaries, leaving an indelible mark in countries like Italy, the Caribbean, Shanghai, Cambodia, and throughout his native Taiwan. His art has the power to transcend language and culture, speaking to people from all walks of life.
現居台灣的視覺及壁畫藝術家。 在台語中的意思是“ 你好”。這個名字也代表他的願景:透過藝術給予世界上所有人一個溫暖的問候。
Leho以牆作為畫布並 擅於處理大膽卻又柔和的色彩,在LeHo的手中創造出如夕陽般明亮的節奏。他的創作旅程超越了地理界限,在義大利、加勒比地區、東南亞以及他的故鄉台灣等國家留下了不可磨滅的印記。他的藝術有著超越語言和文化的力量,能夠觸動來自各行各業的人們。
他將這些被創造出來的「幻獸」視為我們內在特質的使者,牠們所代表的是:「 你看待自己的方式 。」這些美麗的作品與故事反映出人天生具備的美好特質。透過這些引人入勝的幻獸,邀請每位觀眾去解讀關於人的情感、故事與信念的刻畫。
After years of searching, exploration and participation in the realm of public art, LeHo's creature creations have become a unique symbol of vitality in the city.
Collaborations include: Honghui Plaza, Ministry of Culture, Blueprint Cultural Park, Taipei City Government Water Resources Department, Rainbow Paint, The Wallriors, Tailv Oasis Street Art Festival, Rong Hospital Tainan Branch, Qingwang Construction, Jihe Container park...
" Through Street Art, I'm seeking a way to inspire people believe in oneself and see how beautiful he/she is."
"We all project a good quality onto a particular animal, wishing we could gain what it represents. But sometimes it's easy to forget that those qualities are actually in us, So I regard animals as the carriers of human emotions and stories. I hope that when one sees these vibrant creatures, one will be reminded that he is such a great person."
「 我們都會投射一個美好的特質在特定的動物身上,希望自己能擁有牠們所象徵的意義。那可以是真誠、勇敢、單純、力量、意志等等.......。之所以在創作上圍繞著動物也正是我對自己的期待,期待自己能夠像牠們一樣去理解、接納別人。希望城市裡每個路過的觀眾在看見牠們的時候,能因此喚醒藏在心中自己某一個美好的特質。」Leho說。
LeHo's artistic journey is a profound exploration of the human spirit and the boundless possibilities that reside within us. His art is a mirror, reflecting the beauty and potential within each of us. Through the lens of his creations, the world can find inspiration, connection, and a universal "Hello" to the essence of humanity.