螢 橋 雁
中 正 河 濱 公 園
Scale : 9 m x 100 m
Location : Taipei zhongzheng River Park
During the Japanese occupation period, Kawabata Town (now Yingxueli) in Taipei had a natural river ditch 8 meters wide. On the nights in summer, you will see fireflies spark in the grass, and people will come to catch fireflies in the evening. A wooden bridge over the river is therefore called "Firefly Bridge". Over time, the ditches were eventually filled in as commercial areas in urban planning, replaced by lights and traffic at night. It has a scene similar to the fireflies streamer. This creation as an imagination, the fireflies turn into giant wild geese, and continue to accompany the residents of Kawabata Town in different way.

"Taipei's New Story - The Story of Taipei River"
It's a project inviting ten different designers/artists to make Taipei city's river embankment an urban picture book that tells the local culture.With those unique creative styles of each designers and artists, we create an urban aesthetic that combines local stories.
《 臺北新畫堤 ─ 臺北河堤故事 》透過邀請不同藝術家在深度人文匯集、地景地貌的蒐集與統整,並運用美感與專業將每一處河堤成為訴說地方文化的城市繪本。本企劃改變了以往公家機關施作堤壁時主題單一且與四周環境景觀不和諧的情況,藉此次計畫將全臺北市的堤壁串聯起來。邀請了十位設計師共同參與,借助設計師與藝術家獨特的創作風格,創造出結合地方特色的城市美學。

This giant mural is 100 meters long and 9 meters high. Zhongzheng Riverside Park is located in the middle of Taipei Wild Goose Reserve. Through this mural, we look forward to reinterpreting the vision of lights, fireflies and wild geese during the Japanese occupation period, so that the embankment is no longer just a dike, but a new chapter of the river story.

The wall is an earthen embankment with a slope of nearly 45 degrees. Overcoming the physical difficulties is the first thing we learned, plus the whole length is a full 100 meters. The process this creation is very challenging.

Although the old bridge and fireflies disappeared after urban planning, people still use the names of Firefly Bridge Elementary School, Park, and Station to cherish the old memory. This time, in the way of the public workshop, the elders were invited to draw memories of Yingxueli and we transform them into various window grilles in the background.