盛 開 

慶 旺 建 設 民 生 高 峰 會

Scale : 1000 cm x 30 cm, 5 pieces
Location :Keelung River 5th evacuation gate

This is a series of works located in the basement of Qingwang Construction Company’s Building on Minsheng Road in Kaohsiung. We want to create a series of murals to describe the spirit of the building and summon the guardian creature to this home for the people who live here. Each work is 10 meters long from the first floor to the fifth floor, five story in total.

I consider life will be in a limited cycleCarry one's own message. By painting these essences, portraying the different aspects and interactions between people. Because the flow itself will call and attract. Thrive, so it will last forever.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​



This work presents the meaning of life blooming, the architectural vocabulary and the spiritual symbol of home. Inspired by its family crest (hibiscus flower) of the building and the design of the crystal chandelier (the peacock intention) in lobby.



"When the blossoms flourish, butterflies arrive in splendor."